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  • OK, thanks. I'll also try calibrating against a 114dB signal instead of the 94 dB I usually use and see what happens.
  • The UMIK_2 claims a max SPL of 125 dB. Was your measurement of 112.7 dB definitely flat, or was it A-weighted? I'm only using pistol shots in large rooms so I don't expect the SPL is that high, but I will try and set up an A-B comparison test with another mic and see if I'm overloading the mic. Thanks @benfaber
  • OK, thanks @benfaber . I've also noticed that the input gain seems to adjust automatically. I know there is an auto setting for the display range but does this also control the input gain? It make it difficult to set a consistent trigger level if the input gain is changing. My fundamental problem is that when I do RT…

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