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  • Isnt there a way you can measure this using the tools on this website? Or with a little more digging on mac hardware mod forums :?
  • I have the same question, but would use the mic for calibration of PA systems. Any suggestions? Please? :|
  • I assume you have now updated to the new version? If not then you could use the screen capture built into iPhone since version 2.0 Just hold Home button and hit the Power/Sleep button and whatever is on the screen will be put into a photo on your camera roll. Like this
  • Does the noise occur only at high SPL or is it always there when you select audio pass through?
  • Since the update that included Voice Memos, I use it to record field samples then email them to myself for analysis at home. Hope this helps :-)
  • Got the upgrade to the new version and I LOVE it! The signal generator works great and everything is green in my little mobile analysis world. Thanks for all your hard work and I look forward to seeing where the company goes next!
    in FPPO Comment by Vern February 2010
  • Great! cant wait for that then! Any idea when its due to be released?
    in FPPO Comment by Vern April 2009

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