Recording, Storing, Opening Audio Files

edited December 1969 in SignalScope
Is it possible to use Signalscope on the iPhone to:
a. Record and save audio files.
b. Display waveforms in real time.
c. Display in real time as well as SAVE waveforms?
d. Open audio files recorded by another app, or open sound files and display them?


  • Is it possible to use Signalscope on the iPhone to:
    a. Record and save audio files.
    b. Display waveforms in real time.
    c. Display in real time as well as SAVE waveforms?
    d. Open audio files recorded by another app, or open sound files and display them?

    Your feedback is certainly appreciated. Please stay tuned as SignalScope continues to develop.

  • Any plans to add these in the future, or is this something that's locked out by Apple?
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