Better frequency control input needed

edited December 1969 in SignalSuite
Although as it stands, SignalSuite is very good, it could get one step better by introducing a better way of inputting frequency steps- like for eg, the thumbwheel control which is used to set dates in so many other iPod Touch/ iPhone applications. Then I could increase or decrease in frequency more accurately.


  • Thanks for the feedback. I think adding an option to use the thumbwheel control for frequency selection would be great.

  • Sorry for the late reply to your reply here Ben.

    Yes I agree.

    Also, although, not as important, but nice anyway would be a reference button that a predetermined frequency with amplitude setting (memory button!) could be applied- like 1kHz @ 1vpp would be extremely useful.

    Do you know if the iPhone/iPod outs are consistent, or do they vary (within a certain minute tolerance) from model to model? (I'm guessing because they're Apple made, they are spot on?)
  • Again, thank you for the feedback.

    I suspect that voltage levels are pretty consistent, with fairly tight tolerances, but we'll need to do some more testing to see what kind of differences to expect when moving from iPhone to iPod touch, and from headset connector to line-out.


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