Signalscope Advanced 2020
needs 10.15/Montery but also Metal?
Just bought, runs fine on MacPro but not on macmini-5.1 with 10.15 but no metal.
Old signalscope runs fine on both, luckily.
The recorder is buggy....does not start if other items run before or parallel.
Hi Berry74,
SignalScope Advanced 2020 supports macOS 10.15 or later and the graphics use Metal for hardware acceleration.
I don't believe the Mac mini model 5,1 (Mid 2011) even supports macOS 10.15. It supports up to 10.13.6.
The legacy SignalScope Pro 3 is still available on the Mac App Store and supports macOS 10.12 or 10.13.
I'm sorry the Recorder tool isn't working as you would expect.
Will you please describe more specifically what you mean by this? What happens when you try to run the recorder? What "other items" seem to interfere with it?
You're running it on your Mac Pro? Which version of macOS is running on your Mac Pro? The Mac Pro model may also be important.
Thank you,
Dear Ben,
Monterey and Metal:
I meant 12.4 (latest Monterey version), which can be run fine on old HW (like macmini5.1) with opencore,
but the graphic card does not support metal.
On my Macpros (MacBookpro2015 and MacPro2013) 12.4 and metal is directly supported by the HW.
Stuck recorder and octave:
For what ever reason from time to time I have to delete manually
Then all is working if autoscale is on.
Still, if you switch all acquisitions on...rec and octave fail to show the signal.
Due to limit to a single window, the use of background acq is anyway quite limited.
Not really working is the manual changing the ordinate/amplitude with "up" and "down"
In comparison to the old UI (of signalscope mac) this is really a pain,
clicking on "up" or "down" does not do anything until restart of acquisition.
A menu for sensitivity per div would be far better.
I do understand that the new UI is strictly an IPAD UI,
or more precisely the whole prog is optimized for IOS customers.
I bought the advanced 2020 simply for the octave analyzer because
its much better/usefull than in the pro mac version.
But as a longtime signalscope user the new universal UI is tough to swallow for non ipad users.
best regards,
but the graphic card does not support metal.
Using something like opencore to install versions of macOS on hardware that otherwise wouldn't support it is not supported by any of our apps.
It would help if you could send a video screen capture to show exactly what you are observing (i.e. what does 'stuck' mean?). You can include photo and video attachments in an email to support at
What do mean by 'switch all acquisitions on?' What do you mean by 'background acq?'
If you are referring to the menu/keyboard commands to adjust the scale, you need to have Autoscale turned off in order to make manual adjustments.
Noted. (It's already in the works for future products.)
Thank you for letting us know what you think about it. The changes from older versions have been driven largely by the iPad design, though we see value in that. Your suggestions for improvements are certainly welcome.
Naja:signalscope 3.9.12 runs fine see:

Reason using "old"macs is their line input, quite ok to measure signals from 20µV onwards.
Sorry, you SW terminology is: start stop tool

"stuck" means:
recorder start/stop does not lead to showing signal on screen,
also recording file is then empty...see screenshot:
On my macs in order to start the recorder:

-first start recorder tool /monitoring
-then stop & start oscope tool
click back to its ready for recording.
of course. i turnoff autoscale, but then clicking up or down does only moves one scale-unit up or down after stop/start the tool. Not the comfort of singnalscope 3.9.
Be assured I will update (and pay) with pleasure.
I like signalscope and like&use the octave and fft tools of advanced 2020 for the next 10 years..
best regards,
Thank you for the screenshots and additional explanation. I have confirmed the strange behavior in the Recorder tool and will make sure it gets corrected in the next (free) update.