measuring impedance of louspeaker by 2 FFT a short recipe

Hi All,
Because I think that measuring according impedance to faber's YOUTUBE and other sources seemed to me rather complicated, I made my own (short) description.
This describes step by step 'how to' setup and measure the impedance of loudspeakers.
You will find a setting for low impedances and for 100 V systems.
I packed all the cabling, switches and resistors in a junction box. This prevents much fiddling with the cables.
Unfortunately the file is 1.4 MB large so it exceeds the upload limit.
Because of forum restrictions I can't upload the in this file mentioned EXCEL calculation too.
Therfore I will give you a link to download both in a folder.

After working with 2 FFT I find this app really really great!

...At my page you might find another interesting article:

Have fun!
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