wich sound card you recommend to work with your program

edited December 1969 in Electroacoustics Toolbox
Hi I was looking the electroacoustics tool box and I would like to made really test with it.
I have bruel & kjaer microphones, preamplifiers and a lot of hi level acoustic measuring equipment (in big size :-D), I would like to start working wiyh the pc and your program but I don´t know wich sound card would be the best for real acoustics mesuraments, I´m working with a macbook pro with usb and firewire.

Thank you very much for the information


  • arenwi,

    Based on what you have said, I would recommend that you check out interfaces from RME (FireFace) or MOTU (UltraLite). Both companies offer multi-channel USB and FireWire interfaces with high quality data converters and sample rates up to 192 kHz. Obviously, you'll need to make your selection based on your specific needs and budget.

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