PA System tuning?
:?I was wondering how to tune a PA ssystem using SignalScope, the Alesis ProTrack and my ipod touch. I can get signals in via the pro track but cant get the pink noise signal out of the ipod in order to naalyze the signal. What to do? :?
Unfortunately, that means you'll need to use another pink noise source.
Your best bet might be to work with the Belkin Tunetalk and the SendStation dock extender, plus an output adapter cable with a right-angle stereo mini plug. That way you can connect a measurement microphone to the input of the Tunetalk and connect the headphone jack of your iPod to your test speaker at the same time.
Also, I do not recommend using the ProTrack's or the Tunetalk's built-in microphones for acoustical measurements--they are not omnidirectional.