Ballon Pop or similar frequency measurement in SignalScope

edited December 1969 in SignalScope Pro

I am new to the forum and new to the software.  Does someone have an example of settings you would use to capture the frequency of a balloon pop or single tap type noise with SignalScope?  I tried configuring the waveform options in single mode, but I must not have something else correct.  Thanks.


  • Does someone have an example of settings you would use to capture the frequency of a balloon pop or single tap type noise with SignalScope?
    You can capture the time waveform of a balloon pop (or similar) with single-shot triggering in the oscilloscope tool. However, the FFT analyzer and oscilloscope are independent tools in SignalScope/Pro, so you can't perform frequency analysis directly on a waveform that you captured in the oscilloscope. Also, the FFT analyzer does not presently support triggering, so performing frequency analysis on a triggered waveform is not currently supported in SignalScope/Pro.

    If that is something you would like to see, please let us know. (When you are offering feedback, the more specific you are about your needs, the better.)

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