calibration procedure help?

edited December 1969 in SignalScope Pro
I have an M-Audio Fast Track Pro, and an Oktava MC012 small diaphragm condenser mic.  The mic has a sensitivity rating of 10 mV/Pa.

I'm wondering what the proper procedure for calibration is with Signal Scope Pro.

If anyone can shed some light on this, I'd appreciate it.  I'd like to set things up so that I get dB (SPL) readings that correspond rougly (within about 5 dB) to reality.



  • The mic has a sensitivity rating of 10 mV/Pa.
    I'm wondering what the proper procedure for calibration is with Signal Scope Pro.
    Since you know the approximate sensitivity of your microphone, you just need to perform a voltage calibration on your Fast Track Pro and then you can enter your microphone sensitivity directly (you'll need to select Pa for the units on your mic input channel).

    See the Tutorials section of the SignalScope Pro Help for audio device (voltage) calibration and microphone calibration.

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