The Future of FEat

I don't have a great deal of experience with the Electroacoustics Toolbox, however, from my limited experience I have found it, at times, to be more cumbersome and confusing than SDA's EASERA.

Some of the features I like about EASERA is the ability to import/export a variety of file formats including wave, the ease of setting up and executing a measurement, the ability to modify channels (add, subtract, multiply, divide, etc), as well as cyclic moves to the arrival of energy of an impulse. The ability to move the impulse to the arrival rather than peak in some cases seems to be more accurate, as Charlie Hughes explains in his paper on subwoofer alignment (

I know I have seen a topic in this forum regarding room acoustic measurements from back in 2006 where you had stated that a program to handle this was in the works. Were you referring to FEat or another program?


  • I know I have seen a topic in this forum regarding room acoustic measurements from back in 2006 where you had stated that a program to handle this was in the works. Were you referring to FEat or another program?
    Electroacoustics Toolbox was indeed the program referred to. Thus far, it has essentially existed as a test and measurement platform, with a fairly general set of real-time analysis tools. A plug-in for the Toolbox is currently in development that will perform room acoustics parameter calculation according to ISO 3382.

    As always, your feedback and suggestions for the further development and refinement of the software are welcome and appreciated.

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