TC Electronics Studiokonnekt 48 does not show up

edited December 1969 in SignalScope Pro

My TC Electronics Studiokonnekt 48 FireWire audio-interface does not show up as inputs in Device I/O Setup window of SignalScope 2.1. The device name is there allright but it says 0 inputs and 0 outputs.
The TC works with other software and in Mac's Sound prefence panel it shows there is audio input.
My setup is : MacPro 2 x 2,8 GHz QuadCore Intel Xeon; 6 Gb RAM; OS X version 10.5.8.

Any advice please?



  • Hello Adelbert,

    Please send a screenshot of the Audio MIDI Setup utility app, with your StudioKonnekt 48 selected in the "Properties for:" popup menu, to Please send a screenshot of SignalScope Pro's Device I/O Setup window, with the StudioKonnekt 48 selected in the device list.

    Thank you!

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