Magic Box

edited December 1969 in IOScope

I think there is an opportunity here for someone to have a magic box that communicates with IOscope and/or ElectroAcoustics Toolbox via Bluetooth or WiFi and has line-in/line-out and phantom powered mic inputs. If signal delay is a problem then put a signal generator in the magic box and trigger it from the IOscope and/or ElectroAcoustics Toolbox. Also a stereo phantom mic to dock adapter would be great.

Don Heavener


  • Hello Don,

    Thank you for your suggestions.
    Also a stereo phantom mic to dock adapter would be great.
    Have you taken a look at the Alesis ProTrack? We're still waiting on Alesis to start selling sleds for iPhone and iPod touch, but the ProTrack works for stereo phantom powered mic input. A few more tidbits regarding the ProTrack can be found on the blog.

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