Touch 2g dock audio input

edited December 1969 in SoundMeter
Since the stereo dock input works now in OS 2.2, when do you all think you'll support the dock input for these awesome applications? Signal scope kind of works, but Level meter keeps crashing on me.



  • Chris,

    We're working on it. SignalScope needs further optimization to adequately support two channels of analysis at the 48 kHz sample rate. SoundMeter only supports a single input channel, but still needs to be expanded to allow the user to choose which one of the stereo inputs to use.

    Which input device are you working with?

    So far, it appears that the Belkin TuneTalk Stereo works with the 2G iPod touch, but the Griffin iTalk Pro does not. Both work with the iPhone 3G, but again, only the Belkin works with the original iPhone. Unfortunately, neither works with the original iPod touch.

  • I am using the Belkin tunetalk. Signal scope actually works pretty well. I can see the two channels separately green/red. I have to use signal scope first to activate the belkin in order to use it with other recording, spectrum programs. its weird, otherwise it doesn't recognize with the other software. Thank goodness I have signal scope! Soundmeter just crashes regardless, but I am sure it is confused seeing a stereo input.

    Signal scope used to label the dock input as line in or something, but with the recent update it says no input, but still works... FYI

    What impedance microphone works best with Soundmeter? i have built some custom 2.2k Ohm omnidirectional electret microphones, but they are too sensitive and clip quickly.

  • Chris,

    Thanks for the additional feedback.

    The trick with using the headset input is that the headset connector is expecting a very low input voltage (less than 15 mV peak).  Your 2.2k Ohm electrets should be fine, except that, as you discovered, you'll need to use mics with a low sensitivity.

  • Chris,

    I have been unable to duplicate the crashes you mention when using SoundMeter with the TuneTalk--it works just fine on the iPhone (new and original) and the iPod touch 2G.

    Perhaps, you need to reinstall SoundMeter?

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