Room Analyzer Display Options

Display Options

  • Bandwidth
    Use this option to determine whether room parameters are calculated (and optionally plotted) in whole or 1/3-octave frequency bands.
  • Frequency Band
    The IR or squared IR in the analysis tab may be viewed after being filtered into whole or 1/3- octave frequency bands. Tap this item to select from a list of frequency bands which version of the IR data should be plotted in the display.
  • Parameter
    Tap this item to select which acoustical parameter should be displayed for the current room impulse response.
  • Early Time Cutoff (te)
    Use the text box to enter a value for te, in milliseconds. As an example, if you would like to calculate C30, select Cte as the current parameter and enter 0.03 in this text box (you can also type in 30m, which will be interpreted as 30 milliseconds).
  • Normalize IR
    The Room Analyzer can normalize the IR data so that it's peak value is 1. This can make it easier to see the amount of decay in the squared IR plot. This option is on by default.
  • Autoscale
    Use the Autoscale switch to enable or disable autoscaling of the analysis display. Autoscale can optionally be toggled with a double-tap within the vertical axis label region of the plot.
  • Plot Regression Line
    As per ISO 3382, the Room Analyzer performs linear regression analysis on the decay curve to estimate reverberation times. Enabling this option will cause the resulting linear regression line to be plotted along with the decay curve in the Squared IR plot.


  • Peak Track
    The cursor may be configured to automatically move to the frequency of the peak value within the current data being plotted. The switch turns the peak track function on or off. (Peak track can also be toggled with a triple tap inside the data plot.)
  • Horizontal Bar
    Use this switch to select whether or not a horizontal bar will be added to the cursor line, corresponding to the value of the data at the cursor's present location.
  • Horiz. Bar on Decay Curve
    Since both the squared IR and the decay curve are displayed simultaneously, this switch can be used to determine whether the horizontal cursor bar, if enabled, will correspond to the decay curve value or the square IR value at the cursor's present location.
  • Set Decay Curve Limits
    Dual cursors are available within the squared IR plot. When this option is enabled, the Schroeder decay curve integration will only take place between the two cursors. The decay curve and corresponding parameter values will be updated dynamically as either of the cursors is moved. This does not affect the Room Analyzer's automatic calculation of T=0 (the onset of the direct sound) which is used in the calculation of Clarity and Definition.