IOS 13 breaks Signal Scope Pro

edited December 1969 in SignalScope Pro
At least on my phone 6S.  I rolled back to 12.4.1.  I know support for this product is limited, but It would be nice if it still worked on current version of IOS seeing that it does all I need it to do, is not subscription based, and was reasonably priced when I purchased it (unlike the new offerings).


  • Still broken on 13.1 with a fresh download of the app.  So I'm guessing support for this app has ended?
  • The end of support for the legacy version of SignalScope Pro was announced in January of 2018. The final update was published in March, 2018, and the app was removed from sale on the App Store in July, 2018.
    Faber Acoustical Releases SignalScope X for iOS as a Free Download

    Current alternatives:

    Free Download + Subscription:
    SignalScope X

    Perpetual License
    SignalScope Pro 2018
    SignalScope Advanced 2018

    The Advanced Tool Set subscription in SignalScope X and SignalScope Advanced 2018 most closely match the functionality of the old SignalScope Pro.

    Subscriptions are recommended for anyone who plans to always run SignalScope on the latest version of iOS.
    Perpetual license versions are recommended for those who need to run SignalScope as a dedicated instrument. This means on a device dedicated for measurement/analysis/data acquisition that can continue to serve its purpose indefinitely without the need to upgrade iOS. (Of course, upgrading iOS is fine in this case, as long as it is supported by the perpetual license version of the app.)
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