using the Electro-acoustic toolbox and Outline turntable?
I've been looking at your software (which looks good I may add) as I'm looking for a portable solution, that also runs on a Mac to use alongside the testing of our product, a flexible electro-static speaker surface (which we also have a worldwide patent on).
Currently the set-up in our studio consists of a Brüel & Kjær mic, and Outline parallel port driven turntable, and the ancient, but very capable DOS driven DRA MLSSA software. This is equipment which was bought by the company before I was appointed as technician, and it's pretty fair to say that this set-up is considered the 'industry standard'.
However, what I would like to know is how is it possible to do polar directional response plots (automated would be really nice) using the Faber software? If the Electroacoustic toolbox could replace MLSSA (the w98 computer that MLSSA is running on is getting pretty old and tired!) both inside and outside of our testing chamber, this would be grand.
Tom Fenn
I've been looking at your software (which looks good I may add) as I'm looking for a portable solution, that also runs on a Mac to use alongside the testing of our product, a flexible electro-static speaker surface (which we also have a worldwide patent on).
Currently the set-up in our studio consists of a Brüel & Kjær mic, and Outline parallel port driven turntable, and the ancient, but very capable DOS driven DRA MLSSA software. This is equipment which was bought by the company before I was appointed as technician, and it's pretty fair to say that this set-up is considered the 'industry standard'.
However, what I would like to know is how is it possible to do polar directional response plots (automated would be really nice) using the Faber software? If the Electroacoustic toolbox could replace MLSSA (the w98 computer that MLSSA is running on is getting pretty old and tired!) both inside and outside of our testing chamber, this would be grand.

Tom Fenn
For automation, your best bet would be to control Electroacoustics Toolbox via AppleScript. You would still need to find a solution to control the turntable, however. Turntable control from within the Toolbox would be excellent, but it just isn't there, right now. Also, the polar plots would have to be created in some other plotting software.
Ben Faber
Thanks for the reply. Apparently the Outline turntable that we have, rotation can be achieved simply by sending a signal (+5v?) via its parallel port interface. I know though that this older analogue model has been superseded by a newer high-tech model that uses ethernet connection.
Polar plots aren't too much a problem- and yes scripting the toolbox would be the best thing.