Octave Analyzer Options
Spectrum Options
- Bandwidth
The Octave Analyzer performs either whole-octave-band or third-octave-band analysis with
center frequencies recommended by ANSI standards.
- Level Type
This option determines whether a time-weighted signal level (Lp) or an
equivalent signal level (Leq) is measured for each frequency by the analyzer.
- Frequency Weighting
SignalScope Pro provides a means of weighting the spectral content of input
signals according to standard A and C frequency weighting curves.
These A and C weighting curves are intended to mimic human perception
of loudness at two different loudness levels. The desired frequency
weighting can be selected from the segmented control.
- Time Weighting
The Octave Analyzer offers three time
weightings for the Lp sound level measurement: Fast, Slow, and Impulse.
- The fast time weighting computes
the exponential-time-weighted average sound level with a time constant of 125 ms.
The slow time weighting uses a time constant of 1000 ms, or 1 second.
The impulse time weighting uses a rise time constant of 35 ms and a decay time constant of 1500 ms.
Cursor Options
- Peak Track
The cursor may be configured to automatically move to the frequency of the peak value
within the current spectrum. The switch turns the peak track function on or off.
- Horizontal Bar
This option lets you turn the horizontal cursor bar on or off.
Display Options
- Show Secondary Level
In addition to the main spectral bars, the octave analyzer can also display the max or peak value at
each frequency above each associated spectral bar. Use this switch to turn the secondary level display
on or off.
- Secondary Level Type
Use the segmented control to select whether to display the max or peak values at
each frequency above each associated spectral bar.
- Draw Div Lines
When this switch is on, horizontal grid lines will be drawn in the display,
which divide the display into 20 equal divisions.
- Frequency Units
This segmented control lets you choose whether to display frequencies in Hz or cpm (cycles per minute).